was 8 days overdue with our 1st son and induced at 7 days over with our 2nd son. This baby is a girl so we were both hoping that maybe this child would be different. Maybe this one would be early.....well, maybe on time??? Well, tomorrow (July 8) is Rachel's due date and there does not seem to be much glimmer of hope.
One thing I notice, however, with both Rachel and I is this: everyday we are living with anticipation. Every day our minds are geared to the realization that there is not much time left (even though it doesn't feel that way--especially to my wife!). Everyday we are wondering when our new baby girl will make her presence known!
When I think of this, my attention is often turned to the anticipation of our Lord and Savior's return. Jesus will indeed one day return (Acts 1:11; Jn. 14:3) even though no one knows the exact time (Mark 13:32). But am I living in light of this promised and glorious event? Are my waking moments spent in anticipatory living of my Lord's soon return (Rev. 3:11)? Am I getting so bogged down in the details and routines of life that I am actually denying the reality of His coming through my thoughts and actions?
I mentioned earlier that everyday we are living with the anticipation of our little girl's birth. But if I am to be completely honest, while this is true, there are many moments when ministry, life, decision making, etc. distract me from the imminency of her coming. She is much more on Rachel's mind as she carries her every minute of everyday! Yet this does not negate the fact that our baby will come at an appointed time. So....will I be ready? Is my bag packed? Is the car seat in place? Am I mentally geared to raise another infant? I hope so!
How about you? Are you ready for Christ's return? Are you living in light of that victorious moment? Will you be caught unaware with your "bag unpacked" and the "carseat" left in the garage?
That day is coming! As John states, "Amen. Come Lord Jesus!" (Rev. 22:20)